Resources for Learning
Table of Conents: |
There are many software options for initially learning and improving your Morse code proficiency on your own. Below I have listed them in order of more to less popular and how useful I think they are to others. Consider trying out several options before settling on one or more that meets your needs. (Click on a table column to sort the table.)
Software | Platform | Suggested Usage |
Ninja Code Course | YouTube, MP3s | Learn Morse code from the ground up! AD0WE |
Ninja Code Practice | YouTube, MP3s | Head copy; Improve beyond 15wpm Instant Character Recognition, AD0WE |
ditto CW Player | Android | Morse Code Ninja practice sets with the flexibility of dynamically generated code using the Ninja format of Code, Spoken, and repeated; Head copy; Improve beyond 15wpm Instant Character Recognition, WB1LLY |
CWops Morse Code Trainer | Web Browser | Follow structured lessons |
RufzXP | Windows | Push speed; recognize callsigns, by DL4MM and IV3XYM |
G4FON Morse Trainer (Direct Download) | Windows | Practice with simulated QSB, QRN, weak singals, and irregular timing, by G4FON (SK) |
Morse Runner | Windows | Learn and improve contesting skills in simulated environment, VE3NEA. Source code is available on GitHub. |
Morse Runner (BH1SCW Fork) | Windows | Same as Morse Runner by VE3NEA, but has working web page to post results, better tabbing, and shows country of callsign. Fork by BH1SCW. |
N1MM Logger+ / Morse Runner Integration | Windows | N1MM Logger+ can integreate with Morse Runner and allow practice using both programs, N1MM and many others. Watch this short video for setup and demo. |
LCWO | Web Browser | Learn characters and more, DJ1YFK |
Just Learn Morse Code | Windows | Learn characters and common words, LB3KB |
Head Copy | Web Browser | Practice head copying letters, numbers, words, and callsigns, KC4T. Source code is available on GitHub. |
CW | Windows | Practice copying callsigns, JI0VWL |
IZ2UUF Morse Koch CW | Android | Learn characters and more, IZ2UUF |
morsle | Web Browser | Daily Morse code challenge, Remote Ham Radio |
CW Manna | Web Browser | Practice Morse code listening to the Bible, K4JKG (Optimized for non-Microsoft browsers) |
Lockdown Morse | YouTube | Guided Morse code course, M0PTO |
K5JF CW Trainer | Web Browser | Learn characters, punctuation, word lists, and more using a fresh approach, K5JF |
CW School Graz | Morserino-32 & YouTube | Learn Morse code using your Moserino-32 with guidance from CW SChool Graz on YouTube. Instruction in English and German. |
Morse Camp | Web Browser | Push speed; Head copy; Build vocabulary of sound patterns, by HB9GKP and AD0WE |
Morse Hero | Web Browser | Low-pressure trainer that provides feedback on how quickly one can recognize and type the correct character. |
ebook2cw | Windows, Mac, Linux | Convert text, articles, and entire books to Morse code, DJ1YFK |
CW Player | Windows | Learn and playback text files, by F6DQM |
W1AW Code Practice | MP3s | Updated every other week |
FOG (Fast Operator Group) Recordings | Web Browser & MP3s | On-air recordings of QRQ CW Nets |
Ham Morse | iOS | Practice copying common QSOs |
Morse Machine | Windows | Learn characters using the Koch Method, G4ILO (SK) |
iMorsix | iOS | Morse Code training tool for ILT-Schule (Swiss school for amateur radio), HB9CWA |
Morse Toad | iOS | Learn characters |
Pileup Runner | Windows | Discover how to run a CW pileup! Great training for future DX-pedition operators! VE3NEA |
MCPT (Morse Code Practice Text) | Windows and Linux | Generates customized text to use within any audio trainer that accepts a text file. WA2NFN |
Master CW | Web Browser | Learn Morse code using an intelligent adaptive process, 4X5UV. |
MITXELA Morse Code Practice Tool | Web Browser | Simple but versatile tool for practising Morse code (Tim Alex Jacobs). |
Morse Elmer | iOS | Learn using Koch and Farnsworth spacing. Keeps statistics as you progress, KI4OWG. |
Nilex Morse Tutor | Web Browser | Structured lessons. Type as you hear it. Automatically moves on to additional characters as you get a certain number correct, VA3NNW. |
NuCode and NuMorse | Windows | Structured lessons and large number of features |
AA9PW Code Practice (Internet Archive) | Web Browser | Learn characters and standard QSO, AA9PW |
K7QO Code Course | MP3s | Follow structured course for learning Morse code, K7QO |
WinMorse | Windows | Convert text into into Morse code audio files |
Morse News | Windows | Listen to news and twitter messages in Morse code |
MorseDX | Web Browser | Unique learning approach — mixture of Morse code and spoken letters. Subscription $7.95/mo or $9.95/mo for full access. Formerly known as Morse Fusion. |
Morse CT | Android | Learn characters and common words by Todd Anderson |
Claus' Morse Code Trainer | Android | Learn characters and practice head copying by Claus, AEOS |
Continuous Wave | Alexa Skill | Learn characters and common words, N3HEE |
Seiuchy | Web Browser | Improve head copying common QSOs, HB9FXW. (Hosted by the Internet Archive.) |
QRQ | Linux, Mac, Windows | Push speed; copy callsigns, DJ1YFK |
Pileup Practice | Windows | Practice working a pileup, NO5W |
Precision CW Fistcheck | Windows | Check your sending using a straight key or semi-automatic key, DJ7HS |
KG9E Morse code trainer 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 WPM | Android | Learn to copy using Koch method and practice sending, KG9E |
KG9E Practice Osillators (Japanese) | Android | Practice sending Morse code with straight level or iambic paddle, KG9E |
CW Teacher | Windows | Learn characters, N3FJP |
Morse Mania | Mac | Learn characters |
CyberCW Contest (Unmaintained) | Windows | Improve contesting skills in simulated environment |
DJ4UF Course (German) | Web Browser | Morse code course by Eckart, DJ4UF |
Morse Academy | DOS | Still useful today. Lots of options and exercises to learn Morse code. Works well within DOSBox. Written by AH0A. |
Stormy Weather Morse Code | DOS | Learn and brush up your Morse code skills. Provides simulated Exams. Works well within DOSBox. |
SUPER MORSE | DOS | Lots of options and exercises to learn Morse code. Works well within DOSBox. |
Click for More |
Interactive Online Resources:
CW Academy
Excellent opportunity to get free and personalized assistance in learning Morse code. CWOps sponsors this program! Sessions are held Jan-Feb, Apr-May, and Sep-Oct. Classes fill up fast, so signup early!
Long Island CW Club Training
Classes are held most weekdays and are available at beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels. If you would like to take their online classes please visit their website and click on the membership tab.
CW Innovations: Learning How to Learn Morse Code
Sign up for The Comprehensive Instant Character Recognition (ICR) Course! It is an exceptionally well-thought-out class designed for those currently operating with 10-15wpm CW Proficiency, at least a simple presence on the air, and eager to improve both.
vBand (Virtual CW Band)
This project was created by two friends who wanted to (re)learn CW, but didn't regularly have great propagation between them to practice, and were a bit embarrased to get on the air at their current skill level. While it allows code to be sent with a keyboard as either a paddle or straight key, it really shines using the USB paddle interface. Once on the site, click the About menu item to find out more.
- Demo and interview
Excellent 21-minute YouTube video with the creators of vBand. They explain vBand, why they created it, and demo how to use it. - USB interface
Inexpensive and simple DIY interface. Requires a ATMEGA32U4, a small amount of soldering, and programming the microcontroller. The parts cost less than $10. - Ham Radio Solution (Click on Store in header)
USB paddle interface preassembled and available for $25 plus $3.50 US shipping. The adapter includes a mini USB cable, and ha a 3.5mm TRS jack for the paddle / straight key connection. It has been tested on Windows, MacOS, Linux, and Android.
Online Morse code chat channels. The keyboard is used as a straight key.
Another online Morse code chat. The keyboard is used as a straight key.
CW over Internet Protocol. High quality. Allows hooking up physical paddle/keyer to the computer.
Software that uses a USB to serial adapter to hook up a paddle/keyer and communicate in Morse code over the internet. CWCOM was written for Windows 95, but also works on Linux and OS X. (See relevant pages on the blogsite.) It was written by an Australian Radio Ham, but support has transitioned to Gerry, G3MS. Gerry is QRV, typically from 14 to 23UTC.
Morse over IP. Software uses Serial to USB or Bluetooth to hookup a paddle to the computer. Software runs on Arduino, Linux, iOS, OS X, and Windows.
General Audio/Video Solutions:
- Zoom
Known to work well for online Morse code practice. For the best audio, disable “Automatically adjust microphone settings.” In addition to a computer and microphone, you will need a paddle, key, and way to generate a sidetone. - Mumble
Audio bridge known to work well for online Morse code practice. It is free and open source. In addition to a computer and microphone, you will need a paddle, key, and way to generate a sidetone.
On-air Practice:
One hour mini-contests sponsored by CWOps! They are held every Wednesday starting at 13 and 19 UTC, and every Thursday at 03 and 07 UTC.
SST (Slow Speed conTest)
Weekly one-hour slow speed contest sponsored by K1USN Radio Club! They are held every Monday starting at 00 UTC (Sunday 6 pm CST), and every Friday starting at 20 UTC (2 pm CST). The contest has a 20wpm upper speed-limit and is designed to help those master contesting.
MST (Medium Speed conTest)
Weekly one-hour medium speed contest sponsored by ICWC (International CW Council)! They are held Monday 13 and 19 UTC and Tuesday 03 UTC (Monday 7 am, 1 pm, and 9 pm CST). Speeds are to be kept between 20 and 25wpm. Please be willing to reduce your speed on request.
NCCC Sprint (NS)
The Northern California Contest Club sponsors Thursday evening contest practice sessions of 30-minute duration.
SKCC Sked Chat
Create an account and request a scheduled contact. SKCC (Straight Key Century Club) members are friendly and will generally bend over backward to help out guys and gals trying to get started with on-air practice.
ARRL W1AW Broadcast
Code sent at 5 to 35wpm on a schedule. Content taken from QST magazine.
Annual 13 Colonies Special Event
Popular special event that runs from July 1st to the 7th to celebrate the United States Independence. Make contact with all 13 special event stations!
QRQ Point
Meeting place for high speed telegraphy entusiasts in Europe. Established to concentrate QRQ activites on 3567 and 7024 kHz (and and 5353.8 kHz when conditions on 40/80m are not suitable.)
Hardware for learning Morse Code:
Full-featured standalone learning tool. It is a multifunctional Morse code device that can be used as a practice trainer, keyer, file player, and Morse code decoder. It has built-in capacitance paddles and a speaker. Check out this review video. It also works as a LoRa transceiver on 430MHz! The latest firmware versions, v3.0.1 or later, support practicing with a buddy using WiFi over the Internet!
- Morserino Skeds (Facebook group)
Schedule an online QSO! - Morserino Mafia by KO4DFJ
A forum to explore, discuss the Morserino, and practice with other Morserino users! - Morserino32 CW Trainer by OE6CHD
Compare the characters received from Morserino32 in "CW Generator" mode with the decoded text you entered or the text you keyed on the Morserino in "CW Keyer" mode with the text you want to key. - Phrases Trainer Source Code by OZ1THC
Practice sending phrases. This third party software compliments the Morserino-32. It runs under Windows and requires the Moserino-32 to be connected via a USB cable. - CW Trainer by IW7DMH
Practice sending phrases and even random five-character groups. This third party software runs under Windows, MacOS, and Linux with the Moserino-32 connected via USB.
Iambic Master
Using this software, learn to send accurately with a K1EL Winkeyer or compatible device, such as the WKUSB-SMT CW Keyer. The objective of the game is to send the text in the Target box as accurately as possible. What the Winkeyer decodes is displayed to the Echo box. Each game, or run, consists of a fixed number of trials. Each trial consists of the user attempting to send the Target text in the form of a contest exchange. A trial goes on until the Echo Text matches the Target Text perfectly.
K1EL Morse Tutor Keyer Kit
Trainer and built-in capacitance keyer. Can be used for standalone practice. Or practice with a buddy by connecting an RCA cable between two kits!
MFJ-418 Code Tutor with LCD Display
Pocket-sized and convenient
W8BH Morse Tutor
The W8BH Morse Tutor is a great project for learning programming, for learning about hardware, for beginners to learn Morse code, and for people who already know Morse code to increase their speed, both in copying and sending, with either paddles or a straight key. You can build the Morse code tutor for $20 in parts. Check out Bruce's website for other interesting projects. If you wish to use the Mega2560 instead of the ESP32 or STM32, checkout KM4NFQ's port of the code. Here is a short video clip demonstrating how to use two of them for practice with two people across the room.
K3NG CW Keyer
Open source Arduino based CW keyer that has an incredible amount of features and flexibility, including K1EL's WinKeyer compatibility. It can be used as a keyer and to learn Morse code. It can be used for send practice, and receive practice with Keyboard or Receive/Transmit Echo Practice.
N4TL Arduino CW Trainer
Practice copying a few characters and then immediately send the same characters back with a Morse key. Originally featured in the September 2016 QST on page 39. (With permission, you may also view the original article.) The project has later simplified by KC1DMR so that it did not need a keyboard.
KI7NEW Morse Code Trainer
The Morse code trainer contains six training routines, easy to advance, and consists of various learning aids. You select them from a menu. Feedback for menu selection is given audibly and through an LED display and serial monitor. The use of the button inputs and LED display fully supports portable operations without relying on the serial monitor outputs. This device is an inexpensive alternative to the MFJ Pocket Morse Tutor, with some comparable features plus several, not comparable features.
CW Trainer
A combination of Windows software and firmware that runs on the Begali CW Machine. It also supports connecting to another user over the internet. (For support or discussion, check out the recent and unofficial Facebook Group dedicated to the CW Machine.)
OZ1JHM Timing Keyer
An open hardware and open source keyer that allows you to precisely diagnose any timing errors in your keying. Check out the review video. The software for it can be found here.
NFARL Code Practice Oscillator Kit
Inexpensive $10 code practice oscillator, which includes tax and shipping! Check out the assembly instructions. It is an easy build, with proven success even by youth. Low battery drain at 1.5 years when left on, and fits in an Altoids mint tin.
NA0N Iambic Master
Free Windows program intended to be used as a training aid for sending CW using an iambic
Winkeyer from
K1EL Systems.
Morse Code Books:
The Art and Skill of Radio-Telegraphy by William Pierpont (N0HFF - Silent Key). This is a free book available for download as a PDF. It is filled with practical advice and history. And it is a great read!
Zen and the Art of Radiotelgraph by Carlo Cosoli (IK0YGJ). A free book available for download as a PDF. It has a recommended approach to learning Morse code.
How To Learn Morse Code and Make Contacts by David Gonzalez (EA7HYD). Step-by-step manual and example QSOs. Also available from Amazon for $19.50.
- QSO Structure
High-level breakdown of standard QSO. - QSO Template
Template to aid in making standard QSO exchanges with RST, name, QTH, and pleasantries. - Contest QSO Exchange
Template to aid in making standard QSO exchanges with RST, name, QTH, and pleasantries.
The CW Way of Life: Learning, Living, and Loving Morse Code (in a Digital World) by Chris Rutkowski. The CW Way of Life (CWOL) provides a complete, self-contained Morse code learning system that requires no computers or special equipment. It combines techniques dating back to the time of Morse with modern deliberate training principles to create a program like no other. If mastering Morse isn’t on your agenda, you can read along like it’s a Rick Steves guide to Morseland. Or, you can roll up your sleeves, do the drills, and set yourself on a 175-year-old path to Morse mastery. It’s all good.
Morse Code Operating for Amateur Radio by Rob Brownstein (K6RB) and Jim Talens (N3JT). Available from the ARRL for $15.95. Well rounded introduction to operating CW and learning Morse code.
Morse Code for Radio Amateurs by Roger Cooke (G3LDI). Published by the Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB). Written to show how to learn Morse code and get the maximum enjoyment from using it. (Also available from Amazon)
The FOC Guide to Morse Code Proficiency by Gary Hinson (ZL2IFB). Longer PDF that covers timing, pitch, swings and fists, a morse quality metric, and more!
The Road to CW by Christian Bravo (W4ALF). Free book on how to learn Morse code.
The CW Geek's Guide to Having Fun with Morse Code by Dan Romanchik (KB6NU). $2.99 for Kindle. $11.97 as a paperback.
Using an Iambic Paddle by Chuck Adams (K7QO). Detailed instructions on adjusting an Iambic paddle, ergonomic posture, getting started guide on sending, efficiency comparison of different sending methods, and practice recommendation.
Morse Code Mysteries and Missives: Three Tales in Morse Code by Donald J. Bingle. This offer includes three stories - two fiction tales and a non-fiction historical piece - first as printed Morse Code (aka CQ CQ as -.-. --.- / -.-. --.-), second a Morse Code audiobook rendered at 12wpm and a 500Hz sidetone, and finally in English clear text. The purpose is not to teach Morse Code but to provide intriguing practice material for those familiar with it and entertain puzzle and cryptography enthusiasts. The book includes the author's own works — "Stress Fracture," "Dashed Hopes," and a historical account.
Instruction and Advice:
The One CW Question hosted by (VE6LK) with many guest speakers
A YouTube series of that one thing that will help you learn or improve your Morse Code. Each video is only 1 to 3 minutes long, making it easy to find time to watch and learn. More than one of these short tips will resonate with you for sure. Listen to the experts in CW as they share their best advice for learning CW in this series of concise videos.
Traffic Nets by Carl Davis (W8WZ)
Demonstration and explaination of how to participate in a CW traffic net.
For Nervous New Hams by Cliff Batson (N4CCB)
Practical and heartfelt advice on overcoming anxiety about making mistakes.
Sample CW RAG Chew QSO Template for the Beginner by David Godden (KK6M)
Practical advice on having a Rag Chew along with examples templates to help a beginner move beyond the "Big Three" — RST, NAME, and QTH.
Learning the Morse Code by David Farris (K5NT)
Sage advice on getting started and learning the sound of Morse code.
Using a Dual Level Paddle by Chuck Adams (K7QO)
A comprehensive guide on using dual-lever paddles. Chuck explains the mechanics of a dual-lever paddle, how to make adjustments for optimal performance, and how to send each letter and number.
Increase Your CW Speed with Wordsworth by George Allison (K1IG)
Featured article in May 2017 QST on how to learn to copy the sound pattern of entire words.
1944 Radio Operator Training by the United States Department of Defense
Demonstration of correct posture and hand movement on the straight key. And demonstration on how to correctly adjust a straight key.
Your Novice Accent: And What To Do About It by Keith Williams (W6DTY)
The article originally appeared in the November 1956 issue of QST Magazine. While the Novice class license no longer exists, the article is useful for CW beginners. You may prefer reading an updated version by KB6NU, which was edited for a modern audience.
Why CW? by Tim (W3ATB)
An inspiring and heartfelt account of Tim's Morse code journey. Embedded within it, Tim answers why we should consider learning Morse code! — Ward off Alzheimer's, a challenge to overcome, outdoor radio and hiking, friends along the way, and the joy of CW! Tim also has excellent advice on how to succeed!
Accessible Resources:
It is essential that we make learning and using Morse Code accessible to everyone, including individuals with disabilities. As I become aware of resources and innovations that make CW more inclusive, I will include them below. (If something is missing, please do not hesitate to contact me to get something added.)
LICW Haptic CW Decoder
The LICW (Long Island CW) Club has developed an innovative and impressive patent pending device! A haptic vibrational device with LED lights that delivers detected CW to the hand and eye. The device’s purpose is to provide hard-of-hearing individuals with vibrational and visual sensations of CW to compensate for their inability to hear Morse Code, and to facilitate copy. The device will also benefit those with normal hearing because it can create alternate white matter pathways in the brain, combining aural and vibrational cues. The release of this product was a significant undertaking and a major financial investment from the club.
- Video Demonstration
A 7-minute video demonstrating how the haptic device enables experienced operators who have lost hearing to return to using CW and assists students with hearing impairments to learn CW. The demonstration covers how to connect the device to a radio system, adjust it for optimal use, and showcases its effectiveness in translating Morse code into vibrations and lights at various speeds, including computer-generated Morse code. - Purchase Information:
If you would like to order a unit, please contact LICW at this email address: The price is $275.00 shipped in the continental USA.
Hams with Disabilities Zoom Sessions
On the first Monday of the month at 7 PM Eastern, Chris (VE3RWJ) hosts a help and discussion session for LICW (Long Island CW) club members in Zoom C. LICW members with any disability that affects learning or operating CW are encouraged to attend. The feedback from those sessions also inform the club's accessibility efforts.
An innovative device that transforms spoken Morse into actual keying signals for radio transmission! Perfect for operators who face challenges with traditional keying methods, this tool leverages the ability to vocalize Morse Code ("da" for dashes, "dit" for dots) and translates it into clean, accurate CW signals. It’s built around the Arduino Nano, making it a compact yet powerful solution. Ideal for those with physical limitations or for anyone interested in a unique Morse Code experience. Dive into the technical details and see it in action with this informative 22-minute video video.
Making Morse Code accessible and inclusive is a priority that drives innovation and creativity within the amateur radio community. As new technologies and devices emerge to support this goal, we strive to highlight these advancements on our resources page. Below are two notable examples aimed at enhancing the experience for operators with different needs. Should you know of additional resources or have suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
CTR2 Micro and CTR2 Voice
Lynn Hansen (KU7Q) has created the CTR2 Micro and CTR2 Voice to enhance accessibility and operational flexibility. When paired, it will enable sight-impaired or blind hams to operate their radios efficiently.
- CTR2 Micro
The CTR2 Micro is a compact, full-featured radio controller that boasts a remarkable size, making it highly portable and ideal for operations in various environments. It supports multiple CAT control options, includes a versatile tuning knob, and offers programmable multifunction buttons for personalized control. The Micro does not have a built-in display, promoting cost efficiency and ruggedness for field use. Advanced features are accessible via terminal programs, and its web server capability allows for remote control and monitoring from any web-enabled device. You can learn more in this 6-minute demonstration YouTube video. - CTR2 Voice
The CTR2 Voice is developed as a companion to the CTR2 Micro, specifically designed to serve sight-impaired or blind hams. This device vocalizes information that traditionally requires visual confirmation, such as frequency changes and menu selections, making it easier for operators without sight to fully engage with their radio equipment. (Optionally, you can have the readout be in Morse Code.) It integrates seamlessly with the CTR2 Micro, offering voice reports of the radio's status and adjustments in real time. You can learn more in this 15-minute demonstration YouTube video.
Morse C.O.D.
Target enemies by tapping out their designation. Runs on Windows, OS X, and Linux.
Morse (The Game)
Break the bitter attribution of the Great War using timing, tactics, and telecommunications in Morse code. Runs in a Web browser.
Morse Mania (Android)
A game designed to help you master Morse code while advancing through a number of levels. It teaches one letter at a time. Runs on Android devices.
Morse Mania (Web application)
A game that runs in the browser and is designed to help you master sending Morse code using the keyboard by simulating a straight key.
Mahjjong adapted for Morse code! Runs on Windows.